Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Bangkok speed boat video

I was not expecting to do any more boat ride videos but.....
We went on a boat bus service from one part of the city to another.  This was to all intents and purposes a speedboat along a narrow canal - imagine taking a speedboat full tilt along the Regents canal in London and you get the idea.

I also apologise for my language as while shooting the video I thought the roof on the speedboat was collapsing - this was not the case as the driver lowered the roof to get under the bridges.

In a country where H & S can just go whistle you know you are in for a ride when the boat's conductor is wearing a crash helmet!

Bangkok canal speed boat ride.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!! & I got a ticking off the other day for a kid revving to 5 knots by the canal trusts officious & hostile monitoring officer...pootling along, having to move house again-tiresome, had an evening in Southampton with Bryn to see the worldly savages, which was fun & a subsequent visit from the malodious one...mother coming to visit this weekend...have fun (-:
