Friday, November 30, 2012

Ankhor Wat

Before we leave Cambodia I thought I'd better put the Ankhor Wat stuff up....

Ankhor Wat, the biggest religious site in the world and a place every tourist to Cambodia comes.... You sort of have to. It's in the visa application somewhere I assume.. 

Here's a pic of Liza to prove it.

And one of me

And the standard picture of a tree climbing over stuff.

If you want to know and see more then I suggest you hunt the web where I'm sure there are millions of expertly taken pictures of the place together with detailed descriptions of a place worthy of putting into the 'world heritage' bracket.

I hired a bike and cycled all day and probably got to see about 30% of the place.... After a while it is the sheer size that leaves you awestruck. The crowds around  the main temples are a bit oppressive but you can also easily spend a day or two in deserted temples on your own.

On a much sillier note we took to smiling at names on water bottles:-

Onwards into Thailand.......

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