Sunday, December 9, 2012

Ayutthaya - the old capital

Our transport around town is protected as part of the world heritage status... They have a special tuk-tuk here we are filling up with LPG for a cleaner environment.... and one with a better paint job than ours!!

We had a blast around the old town, it was the king's birthday so that meant a bank holiday and a street party to which we went. Lots of very nice street food, bands, dancing girls, people queuing up to give a picture of the king an egg shaped present (not sure of the symbolism but there obviously was some), and fireworks. We worked out where we thought they'd be and walked towards them. We came across a tape in the road at which we stopped, then come eight o clock they started, a very load bang from the launch mortars situated - with no one to keep us back - just the other side of the tape and off they went.... Leo, think 1/2 the distance between where they launch and where the society members stand at Lewes and you get the picture!

The Guy on the left has spent his entire life building boats and teaching boat building, since retirement he has set up the national boat building museum which his son (on right) showed us around.

The town was flooded (up to the ceiling in this room) last year which has knocked them back a bit but the place is a minor marvel and the enthusiasm of them all and their exhibits - nearly all of which were build by them are just immaculate. here's some more pics.

We had a night time ride on a boat around the entire old city (this place used to be known as Siam) as it is a maze of rivers and waterways - didn't get any pictures as was too busy enjoying it.

All these chicken statues are facing the big statue of the king in the centre of the roundabout... We did ask... apparently the chicken statue is meant to bring luck so people buy them for the king and put them here so he is lucky. ( Well it seems to have worked!)

Thought I'd better put this one in as it is the most photographed thing in Ayutthaya.... you can see why!

And I finish with general Wat pictures and pics of us.... I promise no more pictures of Wat related things for at least the next blog.

Love to everyone

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