Saturday, January 12, 2013

Vientiane and onwards south.... Sunsets on the Mekong

 After the fun filled new year we headed to Lao's capital, where we had to stay while we had the travellers usual games of fun with visas. Vientiane is not the largest and wildest of places, it wins the award for the sleepiest capital we have ever come across. Here's a picture of the national theatre!
 The one thing no one mentions in the guide book is that Vientiane, during the dry season has one massive massive beach!! here's a pic of fish traps in the sunset!

 In fact a whole collection of Vientiane sunset pictures...
 We went to the small museum set up by the charity that provides prosthetic limbs for people who loose them to landmines - an all too frequent occurance... The bomb cases tend to be found throughout the country in other uses - here's a plant holder.

 We were getting our Myanmar visas here - which took 3 days so we had a chance to take some more sunset pictures.

We actually had a really positive experinece getting our visa here... very unusual, we were told it would be ready at 4.30 pm on the wednesday but on the Tuesday we got a phone call at our hotel from the Myanmar embassy saying we could pick it up at 9.30 am instead. A real result as we could then head out of town on this bus!!!

 We headed down Laos and spent one night here..... Very clean and plesent just made out of every cheap tile they could find!!

 We also found this immigration office and casino..... I bet there's not too many of those in the world!

 More Meking sunsets!
 Bomb case as waste bin - our Hotel in Pakse

Where I took another few Mekong sunset pictures.... They put very nice bars by the river and I think this helps..

1 comment:

  1. Looking at my pictures from Belgrade-are so different to yours!!! Like the idea of gambling for your visa & leaving on the hallucinogenic fish bus if you win-Is there an equally horrific opposite?

    Big hugs & blurry vision from everyone here...(-:
